This Is What Happens When You End it!

Never Waste Time On The Wrong Man Again
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Six weeks ago, I got an email from my coaching client Noreen, telling me she had broken things off with the man she was dating.  

They’d been dating for a few months, but he wasn’t making her feel like a priority.  He didn’t introduce her to his friends or his kids, he canceled on her a bunch of times, and he was busy a lot – too busy to spend time with her consistently.  Even though they had great chemistry, had a blast when they were alone together and he told her how crazy he was about her, she was really frustrated.

Despite his many (broken) promises and enthusiastic adorations, Noreen’s boyfriend was either unwilling or unable to be the partner she wanted.

I told Noreen she deserved to date a man who showed her with actions (not just words) that he was excited to be dating her and that he was serious about her.

So at my urging, she ended the relationship.

Newly single, Noreen emailed me asking to pick up where we’d left off – she wanted to schedule a coaching session.  So I responded but didn’t hear back from her.  I figured she was busy with summer travel.

Fast-forward a few weeks. I emailed Noreen again to check in and see if she was ready to meet.  I received the following email:

“I am totally smitten with a new guy!  Now I know what it feels like when a guy is really, really into you. I am following all of your rules to a T, trust me.  I will keep you posted!”

I responded, “Wow, excellent!”

She emailed me again, “If I had not moved on and reopened my Match account, it never would have happened…”

I wrote back, “The most important thing to do when you’re looking for ‘the one’ is to leave the wrong person quickly. Good for you. It’s never easy, but you’ve got to do it!”

Noreen ended a frustrating relationship (with someone she cared about), and quickly met someone BETTER!  The same thing happened to me years ago.

I was dating a sexy Spaniard – a really good guy – but I knew he wasn’t ‘the one’.  To his surprise (and mine too), I abruptly broke up with him (despite the fabulous trip we’d just taken to Miami).

Just two weeks later, I met my husband!

After a number of long drawn-out frustrating relationships, I had decided not to waste another minute of my time on someone I knew wasn’t my future husband.  And now, as Noreen’s dating coach, I had told her to do the very same thing.

And she’s smitten with a man who adores her!

The next time you find yourself in a relationship with someone who just isn’t that into you or who isn’t the right fit, move on quickly.  Have faith that your LOVE is out there – don’t waste precious time on the wrong person ever again!

