The Key to Having a Deeply Satisfying Relationship

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Chances are you’ve been in a failed relationship or two.

Even though you loved each other, things just weren’t right and you couldn’t make it work. You started off excited and felt a deep connection. But over time, things got harder and finally fell apart.

Relationships end for many reasons. But usually it’s because each person’s needs are not being met. When that happens, resentment grows.

And resentment kills relationships.

That’s why understanding what you need is so important. 

Relationships are challenging. But if you understand what you (and your partner) need, you’ll be better equipped to navigate your relationship and to make it a good one.

Did you know we all give and receive love in different ways?

According to Dr. Gary Chapman, the author of one of my favorite books, The Five Love Languages, there are five distinct love languages we all speak, each to varying degrees. To have a deeply satisfying relationship, it’s important to understand your own love language and also your partner’s.

The five love languages are…

Quality time – Is spending lots of one-on-one time with your partner extremely important to you?

Acts of service – When your partner cooks you dinner or runs an errand for you, does that make you feel cared for and loved?

Touch – Does cuddling, holding hands and touching make you feel connected to your mate?

Words of affirmation – Do you feel closer to your partner when he or she tells you what they love about you?

Gifts – Do thoughtful surprises and gifts make you feel special?

Find out your love language here.

Once you identify your primary love languages, you’ll be better able to:

  • Figure out who’s a good fit for you (and who isn’t)
  • Let your partner know what you need
  • Better understand your partner’s needs

This is good stuff!

When you learn how you both communicate LOVE, your relationship will become easier and more enjoyable. This knowledge can also impact your relationships with friends and family.

So take the test and also read the book The Five Love Languages if you want to better understand yourself and your future mate.

LOVE is the most important gift we’ll ever give or receive. I hope you find this information empowering. Here’s to getting it right this time around!

